Reestablished in 2016, the Asian American Studies Working Group (AASWG) is the latest iteration of the decades-long push for Asian/American Studies at Duke.
In 2018, after years of mobilizing students, staff and faculty, the Asian American & Diaspora Studies program was established.
However, AASWG is still advocating for the establishment of:
- A full department with a major degree granting program
- More tenure-track Asian/American professors
- More Asian/American classes (especially on non-East Asian topics)
- Ethnic Studies at Duke
What We Do
- Political Education
- Radical Reading group
- Teach ins
- Research symposium
- “Margins” publication
- Podcast with faculty, staff and community
How to Get Involved
Follow us on:
- Instagram: aaswg.duke
- Twitter: dukeaaswg
- Facebook: aasduke
Or email us at: